Disclosure Statement: We represent several companies, but place the majority of our business as follows:
Life Insurance, Disability Insurance, Critical Illness Insurance
Employee Benefits
GIC’s, Segregated Funds and Bank Products
Mutual Fund Companies
Relationship with Companies we represent
No company, listed above, holds an ownership interest in our business, nor do we hold an interest in any listed company.
Conflict of Interest
In our duty to disclose any conflict of interest with you as our client, we confirm that there is no conflict of interest in regards to the proposed sales transaction that you are considering, and that our overall recommendation takes into consideration and is based on our analysis and assessment of your current financial and security needs.
If you choose to purchase a product through us, we will be, in most cases, paid a sales commission by the company that provides the product you purchase. We may receive a renewal (or service) commission if you keep that policy/account in force. We may also be eligible for additional compensation, depending on various factors such as the volume or persistency of business that we place with a particular company during a given time period.
Boris Guzman and Jody Batrynchuk are licensed as Life and Health Insurance Agents in the Province of Ontario. They are also registered through Manulife Securities Investment Services Inc., as a mutual funds sales representative, for mutual funds in the Province of Ontario